Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Findings

I dont't know what to make of this... but I do know that this is really intense. You can litterally see right through Jimmy. I see mountains throooouuugghhh his face! Aye Aye Aye Whats going on here.... Because I'm getting worried. I've been into Calabrese for four years and I've never gotten to see them. I live in Canada. If anyone out there has any idea what this is, please let me know.

-Steve W.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Its been a couple days now and I have a little bit of proof that Jimmy Calabrese does Exist. Ironically They should have named "Vampires don't Exists" to "Jimmys Don't Exsist." I will post my finding in the next post.

-Steve W.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wheres Jimmy?

For a while now I have been watching the Calabrese Webisodes on YouTube and have always wondered why Jimmy hasn't been in one. Sure there was some times during the erlier Webisodes where he'd pop up but not enough to where hes actually there. The latest ones have been mainly having Bobby and Davey. Jimmys in the opening but no where to be seen in the show. I am baffeled and need to know what is going on.

-Steve W.